

Configuration is accomplished by modifying the appsettings.json file that comes with the InEngine.NET binary distribution. The -c, --configuration argument can also be used to specify an alternate configuration file.

  "InEngine": {
    "Plugins": {
      "MyPlugin": "/path/to/plugin/assembly"
    "ExecWhitelist": {
      "foo": "/path/to/foo.exe"
    "Mail": {
      "Host": "localhost",
      "Port": 25,
      "From": ""
    "Queue": {
      "UseCompression": false,
      "PrimaryQueueConsumers": 4,
      "SecondaryQueueConsumers": 2,
      "QueueDriver": "rabbitmq",
      "QueueName": "InEngineQueue",
      "Redis": {
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 6379,
        "Database": 0,
        "Password": ""
      "RabbitMQ": {
        "Host": "localhost",
        "Port": 5672,
        "Username": "",
        "Password": ""
      "File": {
        "BasePath": "../"

Top-level Settings

Setting Type Description
Plugins object A set of key/value pairs, where the value is the directory where the plugin is located and the key is the plugin name sans .dll extension.
ExecWhitelist object A set of key/value pairs, where the value is the file system path of an executable and the key is a command alias.

Mail Settings

Setting Type Description
Host string The hostname of an SMTP server.
Port integer The port of an SMTP server.
From string The default email address used to send email from.

Queue Settings

General Settings

Setting Type Description
UseCompression bool A situation performance optimization that compresses queued messages.
PrimaryQueueConsumers string The number of consumers to schedule for the secondary queue.
SecondaryQueueConsumers string The number of consumers to schedule for the secondary queue.
QueueDriver string The driver to use to interact with a queue data store.
QueueName string The base name of the queue, used to form the Redis Queue keys.


Setting Type Description
Host string The RabbitMQ hostname to connect to.
Port integer RabbitMQ's port.
Username string The RabbitMQ username to authenticate with.
Password string The RabbitMQ password to authenticate with.


Setting Type Description
Host string The Redis hostname to connect to.
Port integer Redis's port.
Database integer The Redis database - 0-15.
Password string The Redis auth password.


Setting Type Description
BasePath string The file system path where the queue directories should be located.

Logging Settings

Any exceptions thrown by a command will be logged, provided NLog is configured to log exceptions. The NLog configuration file needs to be setup with something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""

        <target name="logfile" xsi:type="File" fileName="inengine.log" />

        <logger name="*" minlevel="Error" writeTo="logfile" />

InEngine.Core does not depend explicitly on NLog, but rather Common.Logging. This means that any logging framework that Common.Logging supports can be used. Configuring Common.Logging to use a different logging framework is out of the scope of this documentation.